What if I feel nothing?

Getting in touch with the body is usually accompanied with a lot of feelings, specifically feeling our body sensations. 


What if you feel nothing? We all have a lack of sensation sometimes. 

3 Things to know about “Feeling Nothing”:

  1. Absence of sensation is still valuable in the realm of noticing sensations. Noting what isn’t happening or isn’t being felt are equally valuable. Sometimes people feel shame if they feel nothing. BUT it’s totally normal! 

  2. Sometimes people think a sensation has to be a “strong” sensation. Many sensations we can detect in our bodies are very very subtle. Right now, I checked in with my body to see if I could detect a small sensation. Because I’ve been practicing this for a long time, I can notice that my left shoulder is higher than my right. That feeling is sooooo subtle in my body. In college my shoulders would be by my ears and I had no idea until someone told me. Only through repetitive practice of paying attention and noticing how my habits developed (yup, high shoulders) did I learn to even detect these small sensations. 

  3. If there is chronic “nothingingness”, then we have a really juicy place to bring in some curiosity. You can start by noticing when you might feel something, and when you feel nothing. If you keep track of when you feel something and when you feeling nothing in your day, do you notice any trends or patterns?

And if you are still look for more helping identifying your body sensations, check out my Sensation Identification Video Series and take the question “how do you feel?” to the next level.


How’s your gut?


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